Lexus lace Up half Marathon results as well as discount rate Code for next races

Hello! This weekend I ran the Lexus Lace-Up half Marathon in Irvine. I’m ecstatic to share a few of the highlights as well as fun! as well as I had a wardrobe malfunction that’s never occurred before!!
The lace Up  Irvine half Marathon is part of the Lexus lace Up Race series – there are four races / places with different distances at each.  next up the race is in Ventura as well as there are several distances at each location. inspect it out as well as utilize the discount rate code MONICA10 to save!

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My mom came over the night before as well as stayed at my location since she was running the 5K. So race morning was more fun than normal having somebody to go with.
I did the normal pre-race iced coffee as well as brought along some cereal in a baggie.
I online quite close to the race program starting line so I didn’t have to get up as well early. It was simple to get up get prepared as well as get to the starting line.

Lexus lace-up Reese’s are remarkable for a ton of reasons. They take publish race advantages to one more level …

food truck brunch – post-race celebration has remarkable food trucks as well as each runner gets a ticket for a free meal…post-race snacks as well as water (in addition to food trucks) … beer garden… huge area to sit as well as enjoy the publish race events… youngsters race as well as games… programs around southern California are all fantastic locations…printed out pictures after the race when you utilize the hashtag #LaceUpRunning …free race pictures (yes – you can get the photos on the internet after the race)…plank contest (the champion held it for 10 minutes or something!!!!)

Half marathon at this place is new. Last year there was a 10K as well as a marathon relay. So this race program was new to me even though I run in this area a great deal I hadn’t run this program before.

I like running in Irvine. It’s not incredibly gorgeous like running at the beach however there’s as well many parks as well as walking paths that it provides you a great deal of options. as well as Irvine was just recently named the number 2 finest location in the U.S. to raise a family!

Anyway… the half Marathon program was a mix of running with communities as well as on one of the bike / pedestrian trails. It’s not an actual dirt path – it’s a road race, however this path is called a trail.

I would state it is in the middle as well as terms of challenging… It’s not hilly however there are some rolling hills – particularly when you are running on the path considering that it goes under the primary streets a few times.
The weather condition was quite moderate however humid. The marine layer stayed around for a lot of of the race so it wasn’t incredibly bright as well as didn’t warm up up until after I was done.

I haven’t run a race in a while so I wasn’t sure what to expect for myself. I just tried to run strong as well as get in a great tempo workout. I slowed down around mile 5 to switch up my music – something I wouldn’t normally perform in a race however I truly liked however random mix my playlist played for the very first part of the race as well as just wished to hear it again.

Now for the wardrobe malfunction:
I don’t understand when it occurred however in the last few miles of the race I felt something odd in my left shoe. It wasn’t unpleasant so I just kept going as well as didn’t believe about it. Then, it was ending up being to feel more as well as more weird- like I had something in my shoe? I realized it was the insole lining that bunched up beneath my arch. It was just was type of frustrating at very first however slowly got worse as it bunched up more.

At this point I was most likely around mile 10 as well as I wasn’t going to stop take off my shoe as well as readjust it. ultimately it bunched up up until the entire forefoot was jammed beneath my arch. I was using the my Brooks Hyperions which are a extremely lightweight running shoe. considering that there’s not thick sole I felt like I was ripping a hole in the bottom of them as well as I might feel the street beneath my foot! With every step I envisioned the insole using away up until I’d be barefoot!

But the show much go on… or the race must go on?

Point is – it didn’t hurt as well as I understood it would be a huge production to stop, take it off, figure out the problem, repair it – or potentially recognize I couldn’t repair it, try to get the shoe back on as well as begin running again. Nah. I just wished to keep going.

I wasn’t in pain however having the insole jammed under my arch altered my running gait a bit. (If I had more miles to go I most likely would have stopped as welL -am rezolvat de când mi -ar fi un pic teamă că alerg cu un tip care ar putea provoca o accidentare.) De îndată ce traversez linia de suprafață, am ieșit din metodă în partea mulțimii, precum și am analizat Partea de jos a pantofului meu, precum și am scos -o crezând că voi vedea o gaură !!

Dar nu a fost unul. WOMP WOMP.

Am simțit doar pământul atât de mult, deoarece pantofii sunt ușori. Când l -am scos, am văzut că talpa era aglomerată în mijlocul pantofului. Acest lucru nu mi s -a întâmplat niciodată cu niciun tip de pantofi. Cred că a fost combinația dintre ei să fie pantofi mai noi, starea meteorologică fiind atât de umedă =, precum și eu, transpirând atât de mult în șoseta mea, șosete vechi, precum și lumea care doresc să am o poveste amuzantă de povestit?

Moralul poveștii: nu înțeleg de ce s -a întâmplat asta. La fel de bine ca nu am făcut o gaură în pantof sau șosetă.

A fost doar o defecțiune extrem de aleatorie, precum și mă întreb dacă trebuia să facă cu șosetele pe care le -am înfipt sau adevărul că era atât de umed, precum și transpirația care mi -a făcut ca șosetele să -mi ude?
În mare parte cred că este un tip de amuzant, precum și la întâmplare, am condus peste 50 de jumătăți de maratoane, precum și acest lucru nu s -a întâmplat până acum.

Lexus Lace Up Irvine Half Marathon Rezultate–

Ora mea de jumătate de maraton: 1:47:36 – AVG Speed ​​8:14

Sunt în regulă cu asta, însă vreau să devin mai rapid, precum și cerința de a -mi reduce jumătatea timpului pentru a -mi reduce timpul complet al maratonului.

După cursă, am ajuns să afirm câțiva dintre prietenii mei regionali ai alergătorului! O mulțime de oameni mi -au spus și în timpul cursei !!
Am văzut Sandy, Pam, Diana, prietenul meu de alergare, unul dintre singurii alergători, precum și multe altele!

Apoi, mama mea, precum și am aruncat o privire la camioanele alimentare. Am sfârșit prin a opta pentru barul pentru micul dejun de când mi -am dorit o gogoașă! Atat de bun!!

Există mai multe curse în curând! Verificați -l și utilizați codul voucherului pentru a economisi la înregistrare … RER10

Utilizați codul de rată de reducere: Monica10 pentru a economisi pe următoarele curse din seria Lexus Lace Up …

Ventura, CA-20-21 oct.

Palos Verdes – 17 noiembrie

Riverside – 2 decembrie

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Rock N Roll Marathon & Half Reduct Coduri pentru Los Angeles, precum și Las Vegas:

Rnr la jumătate maraton 10 USD cu cod:
Cod: RERLA10
RNR LA 5K 5 $ OFF cu cod:
Înregistrați -vă aici:

RNR Vegas Full Marathon & Half Marathon Code (economisiți 10 USD):
Cod: Rervegas10
RNR Vegas 10K sau 5K Cod (economisiți 5 USD):
Cod: Rervegas5
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